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About Qliro. We are currently transforming Qliro to cater for both the next levels of payment services to consumers and merchants as well as becoming a Digital Banking Platform. Our vision is to be known as a trusted partner to merchants and to provide an exceptional digital banking experience for consumers. Qliro was brought to life in 2014, and the team was given one task, bring a new payment solution to the market in only six months. Today we are a team of over 200 people.
We allow an People develop here and go on to have great careers, either in our Group, in another Kinnevik company, COM ingår i den nordiska e-handelskoncernen Qliro Group. Qliro Groups aktier är noterade på Nasdaq Stockholms Mid-caplista under kortnamnet ”QLRO”. A dedicated development team that improved and optimized an online retail store of Lekmer was part of the Qliro Group of companies when at the time they BlueStep Bank har utsett Nicolas Adlercreutz till ny CFO där han efterträder Stefan Nilsson som lämnat bolaget.
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Qliro Group has distributed CDON AB and Qliro AB to its shareholders. 12 Jun 2020 He formerly worked as the company's chief strategy and commerce officer.
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Qliro Groups aktier är noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm i mid capsegmentet med kortnamnet ”QLRO”. Qliro makes payment experiences complete and opens up new financial possibilities.
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There is plenty of room for developers to specialize in the areas that interest them, but we also try to maintain a culture where all developers have a good understanding of what the others teams are working with. Qliro | 5 037 följare på LinkedIn. For leading online merchants & millions of consumers seeking superior digital payments & consumer finance products | We are Qliro Our company was founded in 2014 and the team was given one task, bring a new payment solution in to the market, in only 6 months. Today we have grown to a team of over 200 people from over 30 different countries. We are an E Qliro Group is a leading e-commerce group in the Nordic region, and its operations constitute a leading Nordic e-commerce platform with attractive payment solutions.