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Podcasts from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Interviews on research and innovations from KTH, sometimes with KTH:s partners. KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Sweden's technical research  KTH:s rektor intervjuas direkt av TV4 inför Obamas besök. Kika direkt på KTH's President is interviewed live by TV4 regarding Obama's visit.

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Since its founding in 1827, KTH has been at the centre of the technological advances in Sweden. KTH offers more than 60 master’s programmes taught in English and conducts world-class research in an array of technology and engineering fields. Its strong research reputation has reinforced the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. 66,251 likes · 241 talking about this · 34,175 were here.

The KTH underwater technology group is prforming research and development in the field of primarely Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (AUV) for environmental probing. SeaSaw (picture) is an example and the product of research, development and entrepreneurship project aimed to develop the potential of a novel type of an At Materials Science and Engineering research is conducted on metallic and ceramic materials. The research covers the whole chain Processes – Structures – Properties.

DSV, Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap - Stockholms

Activity: Participating in or organising  and Computer Science (EECS) of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Big Data analytics, decentralized machine learning and blockchain technologies.

Technology kth

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Technology kth

KTH Royal Institute of Technology. SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 790 60 00.

Technology kth

SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 790 60 00. Contact KTH. KTH on Facebook. KTH on YouTube Research at Energy Technology | KTH. Education at Energy Technology The courses and programs offered at the Department provide a solid basis for careers in the power industry, manufacturing and construction industries, consulting, government agencies, and for advanced research in the broad field of applied energy technology. The research team at Materials Technology Main research areas Materials optimisation, creep resistant materials, aluminium alloys. The main objective is to improve and develop methods for accurate predictions of features in the microstructure as well as material property values.
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With a world ranking of #98, as per QS World Ranking 2021, the university contributes to one-third of Sweden’s total technical research capacity.

The courses in the programme cover a range of interdisciplinary subjects connected to industrial ecology. The students are introduced to tools and knowledge that will enable them to apply technology more sustainably. The joint Nordic Five Tech master's programme in Polymer Technology equips students with comprehensive tools needed to develop future materials in, for example, advanced health care, energy production, green packaging and surface coatings. Students study at two Nordic universities and graduate with two degrees.
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The collaboration is dedicated to accelerating the benefits of artificial intelligence for business, government, and society. KTH initiative becomes a part of a Underwater Technology.