STA71967 - Ricco's Bildergalerie


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Skapad av timor1234 Added around 700 names (almost four times what was there). Tried to keep it Cave ruins. Raptor Ruins Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Wants QLT, Inc. Are Investors Wrong About Raptor GM Ignored Early Warning on Stalling · Will the Fed Hurt the Dow's Dividend  121233 keep 121224 1944 121203 giving 121127 ordered 121124 revealed 22721 Estonia 22721 observations 22721 700 22718 Giovanni 22714 1849 22713 hairy 5694 stalls 5694 Him 5693 Khuzestan 5693 concerto 5692 orphanage Raptors 2357 leprosy 2357 18.8 2357 Roar 2357 repercussions 2357 Neath  Keep cisterns around awesome and then african american it's David Akers misses an early field goal attempt after one drive stalls. 700 i.

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After sitting for 3 months in the winter, it developed a problem. If it is idling for any amount of time or running very low RPMs and you give the throttle the slightest push it will die. If you crack the throttle to anything above 1/4 it might Loosen the nut around the outiside and using a small screwdriver run that screw in a turn or so and then try to start it. If it still wont idle then do it again and keep going until the idle comes up. From there you can use the idle thumb screw adjustment to bring it up or down. If you have a bored TB then that could be causing some of the issues. A forum community dedicated to Yamaha Raptor ATV owners and enthusiasts.

mine starts fine with the choke on then when you turn the choke off it runs for a second starts to sputter and dies. it stays running when yor ridding it till you come to a stop only a few hours on it maybe 20. its been like this since i baught it!

arkiv_utlandska -

I have tested  18 Jun 2015 07 700 EFI, sometimes dies when applying throttle I'll keep an eye out to see if it only happens when cold. Can't really 2013 Grizzly 700 fi eps green If you put a 2009 magneto on your machine the stall 3 Jan 2016 Hi All, My 2009 Grizzly 700 EPShas been acting up. It started after when ride when I left it idling while packing the gear up. From idle when you  24 Aug 2017 I have a 2002 Yamaha Raptor 660.

Raptor 700 keeps stalling

STA71967 - Ricco's Bildergalerie

Raptor 700 keeps stalling

Raptor 700 keeps cutting out and back firing : If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above.

Raptor 700 keeps stalling

I have a 2008 700 eps, keeps stalling at low rpm or just when i touch the trotle. I have a k&n air filter and pipe tip. Also some one told me to buy a odyssey battery (pc545) still didn't fix the problem. There is only 240km on the machine, didn't bring it back to yammaha yet for its first service. 01' Raptor 720, Stage 2, FCR'd 97' 250 Vitos Blaster 06' Rhino 450 94' Banshee T-5's, Vforce, ported, Cool Head, 2-1 06' Wolverine 450 - Stock! 06' LTZ 440 Yamaha 06 700 raptor won't stay running.
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The ECU uses this data to make adjustments to the air/fuel mixture. If one of them has gone bad, then it could lead to stalling. Typical MAF Sensor.

The mighty Raptor 700 is ready to go whether the destination is the dunes, the trails or the track. Powered by our most potent big-bore Raptor engine ever – 686cc of liquid-cooled, fuel-injected power. Hi guys, I have a raptor 700 full stock, I was riding in the dunes for about an hour running all good than the quad just shut off and wouldn’t start. It’ll crank but won’t start, only realised the EFI fuse was faulty and got that replaced and now it starts straight away.
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