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One year ago, I started this blog to keep you all updated. Today I am happy to present you the newest development: The beta version of our DataCite search catalogue. Se hela listan på DataCite Commons is a web search interface for the PID Graph, the graph formed by the collection of scholarly resources such as publications, datasets, people and research organizations, and their connections. The PID Graph uses persistent identifiers and GraphQL, with PIDs and metadata provided by DataCite, Crossref, ORCID, and others. The DataCite Statistics webpage. Toggle navigation DataCite Statistics DataCite is an international not-for-profit organization which aims to improve data citation in order to: establish easier access to research data on the Internet increase acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scholarly record Common DOI Search.
Page 23. Page 24.
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Who can use DataCite Search? DataCite Search is open to the whole community. Locate, identify, and cite research data with the leading global provider of DOIs for research data. DataCite Search Works People Repositories Metadata search Event data Profiles re3data Citation formatter Statistics Service status Content negotiation DataCite Repository Selector GEOFON (GEOFOrschungsNetz) is the global seismological broad-band network operated by the German GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ).
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av S Ahmed · 2011 · Citerat av 172 — Home · About · Browse · Search · Advanced Search · Help · Deposit MODS, OpenURL ContextObject in Span, EP3 XML, Data Cite XML #DataCitation #persistentidentifiers #FAIRdata schema, DataCite has added a new facet so users can easily filter search results by affiliation. Search results for: Inter Primavera. Concacaf IRDB Crossref DataCite CiNii Dissertations CiNii Books SSJDA NINJAL IDR DBpedia.
The DOI I just created isn’t resolving. There may be two reasons your DOI is not being resolved: The DOI is not yet live in the Handle system.
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The DataCite Statistics webpage. Toggle navigation DataCite Statistics But what good is adding more identifiers if they don't help you find what you need? That's why we've added an affiliation facet to our public DataCite Search. Now when anyone is searching through DataCite metadata, they can filter their search results by the affiliation of the DOIs' creators.
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We are a not-for-profit membership organization for scholarly publishing working to make content easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. 5 Jul 2019 The basics · Crossref makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.
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