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Area Code of Stockholm, Sweden - World Map

- Official Source‎ (country code 46). For Solomon Islands its  Dec 10, 2013 Country Code Table. SWEDEN. SE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO)(4). Oct 30, 2016 Learn the USPS International Country Codes and find links to USPS calculators and online tools.

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bank code (only letters); Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code  Country code for Sweden is +46. All prices given in Swedish Kronas (SEK). Networks. Sweden has 4 physical network operators with some MVNOs or  Area Codes in Sweden. Phone numbers in Sweden cost £12.90 monthly. (Subject to a £12.90 booking fee.) City, Area Code  Prepaid Long Distance Service to Sweden.

To call Sweden from the U.S., just follow these dialing instructions: First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 46, the country code for Sweden. Then dial the 1- to 3-digit area code (see sample calling code list below) and finally the 5- to 8-digit phone number.

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Country Dialing Code for Sweden: 46 International Call Prefix to call from Sweden: 00  The Sweden international dial code is 46. Use the Sweden area Sweden Country Code +46. +46 Country Calling Code. SE. 2 Digit ISO. SWE. 3 Digit ISO  Airport codes in Sweden The international country code of Sweden is SE or SWE. There are 4 large, 46 medium and about 90 small airports in Sweden.

Sweden international country code

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Sweden international country code

Nov 27, 2020 Definition: This entry includes the two-letter codes maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the ISO 3166  Country phone codes. +46 is the country calling code assigned to Sweden by the International Telecommunication Union. All of the country's telephone numbers  AD Andorra AE United Arab Emirates AF Afghanistan AG Antigua AG Barbuda AI Anguilla AL Albania AM Armenia AO Angola AR Argentina AS American  Complete list of Country Codes - ISO ALPHA-2, ISO ALPHA-3 and Numerical Country Codes. The ISO country codes are internationally recognized codes that designate every country and most of the dependent Sweden, SE, SWE, 752. The country code table includes the WITS System country names for both the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3-digit alphabetic codes and the United Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is. SJM. 744.

Sweden international country code

Capital : Dial: 00 + 46 + City Area Code + Phone Number you wish to call. Rates: 0.80 yuan / 6 seconds * International direct dial service need to be actived. Complete list of Countries, their Dialing Codes, ISO Codes, Flags, GDP, and Population. International phone code of Sweden: +46. Capital: Stockholm. Region: Europe. Languages: Swedish.
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How to Call Sweden from the UK. To call a telephone number in Sweden from the UK: Dial the international call prefix. For calls from the UK this is 00 (or '+' from mobile phones). Dial the country code for Sweden - 46.

Some smaller countries have three-digit international telephone codes, such as the Republic of Ireland's The Sweden country code is +46. It is used for calling to the Sweden from other country. Below the data are arranged only for your reference.
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ISO CODES. Afghanistan.