Additional file 3 of Whole-genome genotyping - DataCite Commons
Additional file 3 of Whole-genome genotyping - DataCite Commons
LetPub Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2021), BMC GENOMICS published in 2000, Online Manuscript Submission, Recently contributed another article, that is, the layout fee is relatively high! Online publication in BMC Genomics gives you the opportunity to publish large For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted Open Access allows taxpayers to see the results of their investment. Please share or review the publication fee with the community. BMC Genomics Key Factor Open access publishing is not without costs. BMC Genomics therefore levies an article-processing charge of £1570.00/$2380.00/€1990.00 for each article Dec 9, 2015 Manuscript submission and review The GIW/InCoB2015 BMC Genomics supplement [2] includes 15 papers.
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Visit our OA funding and policy support page to view our list of research funders and institutions that provide funding for APCs, and to learn more about our email support service. Article processing charges (APCs) vary from journal to journal. For individual journal APCs please see the journal webpage, or for a full list of Springer Nature APCs, including charges for BMC journals, please consult the Springer Nature APC lists. BMC Genomics 1471-2164 (Online) DOAJ Seal Website ISSN Portal The highest fee charged by this journal is 1570 GBP as publication fees BMC Genomic Data, previously known as BMC Genetics, is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that welcomes submissions that describe genomic and genetic research data, report new analyses of genomic data and introduce community databases. We promote open science through the sharing of data. 1.
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Research Publication type: Journal article ·. Stationary Published in: Forensic Science International: Genetics. Publication type: Error rates for unvalidated medical age assessment procedures Published in: BMC Genomics.
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Nov 16, 2017 This sequencing technique has the advantage of being low cost and very informative, allowing users to get an idea of which groups of bacteria Jul 17, 2010 Journal title, BMC Genomics. Article influence, 1.446. Copyright assignment, author. Access policy, open.
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