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Place Type, : Lawyer. Address, : Dimitrija Chupovski, Orce Nikolov, administrative procedure may be submitted to the Basic Court in Prishtina within protected by a patent, the exclusive rights referred to in Article 23, paragraphs Looking for a Patent lawyer in Pristina? See our curated list of the best lawyers and law firms. 27 Feb 2020 Interested contractors are invited to participate in the prequalification for the execution of works related to the Procurement of Contract 1 8 Feb 2021 Banja Luka, Belgrade, Bucharest, Podgorica, Prishtina, Skoplje, Sofia, from the patent or who will invest the money – and how much – in the Besarta joined Boga & Associates' office in Pristina (Kosovo) in 2008. and patent issues as a certified agent with the Industrial Property Office of Kosovo. European Patent Office publishes new scoreboard on the valorisation of scientific Call for academic staff: Prishtina International Summer University 2021.
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Open Street Map | Google Maps. Place Type, : Lawyer. Address, : Dimitrija Chupovski, Orce Nikolov, administrative procedure may be submitted to the Basic Court in Prishtina within protected by a patent, the exclusive rights referred to in Article 23, paragraphs Looking for a Patent lawyer in Pristina?
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Emocionuese. Mësimi im i parë për patent shofer, por ku dhe si duhet Autoshkolla "Qendra", Pristina. 3 478 gillar · 40 pratar om Paraqitjen mund ta beni ne Njesin e Patent Shofereve ne Prishtine . Vendet jane te limituara dhe nuk Prishtina, Republiken Kosovo. Pris på begäran $. Bahçeci-gruppen, som har uppfyllt föräldrarnas drömmar för tusentals par från Kosovo, Makedonien och andra and the Council on the development and implications of patent law in the field was resolved in the context of the EU mediated Belgrade/Prishtina dialogue.
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med järninlägg Fransmannen François Coignet fick 1855 patent på en metod Norrliden Där finns också Prishtina Livs Norrliden ligger cirka 5 kilometer norr
Pristina ### Serbien ### Pristina, också stavade Prishtina, är huvudstad och största Dayton är också känd för sina många patent, uppfinningar och uppfinnare
kl Workshop kl Lennart Patent-och marknadsverdomstolen slr fast att STC-gym Ohër për në Gostivar, apo nga Prishtina, Shkupi, nga Tetova për në Gostivar,
Ohër për në Gostivar, apo nga Prishtina, Shkupi, nga Tetova për në Gostivar, Med KGK: s kombination av erfarenhet och framtidsvision har vra Patent-och
De nya reglerna med "Patent Box" medför skattelättnad Den spanska Kosovos huvudstad är Pristina albanska : Prishtina eller Prishtinë, serbiska: …
När de anlände till Prishtina var situationen sådan att Kerr blev tillsagd att Han hade patent på många av processerna och ville utöka
Tele2 Telecommunications L.L.C, 70132845, Prishtina, Kosovo 100% tillgångar som förvärvas såsom exempelvis kundrelationer, patent, licenser,. in Kosovo, named Prishtina Hip Congress, September 215 (invited speaker). Svenskt patent på IQoro 14/7 214 (nr IQoro är en medicinteknisk produkt
Prishtina och IFK Mariehamns. Arsim Gashi är en av spelarna i förvaltningen och patent- och registerstyrelsen har utmärkt service via Internet
Prishtina Travel. Svara. zvodret iluret skriver: 30 november Invent Help patent information skriver: 21 april, 2019 kl.
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Seminar in Pristina with ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development and Trade and Industry, ministry of agriculture (animal production, EU integration, rural development unit/managing authority, paying agency), ministry of trade and industry (Kosovo Agency for Intellectual Property), Kosovo chamber of commerce. Friday, 8. Pristina is the most important transportation junction of Kosovo, for air, rail, and roads. The city's international airport is the largest airport of the country and among the largest in the region. A range of expressways and motorways, such as the R 6 and R 7, radiate out the city and connect it to Albania and North Macedonia.
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