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The Company is pleased that the Kallak... - Beowulf Mining plc

Gruvprospekteringsbolaget Beowulf Mining är i kontinuerlig kontakt med företrädare för den svenska regeringen, men har ännu inte erhållit något exakt tidpunkt för när ett beslut om när bearbetningskoncession för gruvbrytning i Kallak i Norrbotten kan ges. Beowulf Mining* 4.75p, Mkt cap £28.6m – New funding aims to develop Kallak in Sweden, Aitolampi in Finland and Vadar in Kosovo (Beowulf holds 46.1% of Vadar. Kallak could create 250 direct jobs at the mine, and 300 indirect jobs, over a mine life of 25 years or more, with sequential mining of Kallak North and South, and the prospect of discovering more LONDON (Alliance News) - Beowulf Mining PLC Friday said its operating loss widened in the first half of the year due to higher administrative expenses, and the company said it would accelerate marketing of magnetite from its Swedish Kallak operations to try and drive actual revenue. Read and download Regulatory News Service RNS announcements for Beowulf Mining plc, disclosed in accordance with AIM Rule 26 and Market Abuse Regulations. Welcome to Beowulf Mining plc (“Beowulf”). We specialise in discovering and developing natural resources in the Nordic Region.

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Beowulf's strategy is Beowulf Mining Plc Says Sven Littorin Appointed Non-Exec Chairman Beowulf Mining Quarterly Diluted EPS Loss 0.04 Pence Beowulf Mining Loss Fell In Year From £1.4 Million To £419,334 Beowulf Mining är ett gruvbolag med huvudsaklig verksamhet inom prospektering och utvinning i Sverige, headlined `New light on iron ore at Kallak', this month. Kallak has been on the SGU's radar for 80 years! "Bergsstaten recommended to the Government in October 2015, that the Concession for Kallak … Kallak Update fre, nov 27, 2020 11:51 CET. 27 November 2020. Beowulf Mining plc ("Beowulf" or the "Company") Kallak Update. Beowulf (AIM: BEM; Spotlight: BEO), the mineral exploration and development company, provides an update on matters regarding its Kallak iron ore project.

Beowulf Mining plc ("Beowulf" or the "Company") Kallak Update Beowulf (AIM: BEM; Spotlight: BEO), the mineral exploration and development company, provides an update on matters About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 2019-12-19 RNS Number: 6934 D Beowulf Mining PLC 30 October 2020. Beowulf, the mineral exploration and development company, has learnt that the Ministry of 2010-09-16 17 September 2020.

Beowulf visar goda resultat från Kallak

("Beowulf" or the "Company"). Kallak Update. Beowulf (AIM: BEM; Spotlight: BEO), the mineral  Beowulf Mining Plc. Kallak - a real asset, and a real opportunity to transform Jokkmokk. For a number of years, the Kallak iron ore deposit in Jokkmokk  Beowulf Mining plc.

Beowulf mining kallak news

Arkiverade toppnyheter från 12/10 2017 -

Beowulf mining kallak news

Beowulf (AIM: BEM; Spotlight: BEO), the mineral exploration and development company, has learnt that the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation (the "Ministry"), in a submission to London-listed Beowulf Mining on Thursday announced findings of an expert market assessment by Dr Bo Arvidson, who investigated the products from Kallak North based on laboratory and pilot plant Nordic focused mineral exploration and development firm Beowulf has awarded a 1,650 metre drilling contract to Finland’s Kati Oy for the Kallak South iron ore project in Sweden. Kallak mine is awaiting a permit decision. Surface Mining > Geomechanics-ground-control. 27 May 2020. Kallak could create 250 direct jobs at the mine, and 300 indirect jobs, over a mine life of 25 years or more, with sequential mining of Kallak North and South, and the prospect of discovering more iron ore at Parkijaure." "The first exploration licence at Kallak was granted in 2006 and Beowulf has invested over SEK 80 million to date. 0.30p Mineral exploration and development company Beowulf Mining updated the market on its application for an exploitation concession for the Kallak Iron Ore Project on Thursday. The AIM-traded Kallak Update.

Beowulf mining kallak news

Beowulf Mining arbetar med gruvprospektering och är främst fokuserade på järnmalmsfyndigheten i Kallak. Företaget verkar för hållbar gruvdrift.
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Beowulf (AIM: BEM; Spotlight: BEO), the mineral exploration and development company, provides an update on matters regarding its Kallak iron ore project. Kallak Update – Parliamentary Question tis, maj 26, 2020 08:00 CET. 26 May 2020. Beowulf Mining plc ("Beowulf" or the "Company") Kallak Update – Parliamentary Question Beowulf Mining PLC .

Live BEM RNS. Regulatory News Articles for Beowulf Mining Plc Ord 1P Kallak –a quality asset and an exciting opportunity for Jokkmokk Photo: Curtesy of Beowulf Mining Plc. 6 Source: 1) SGU (2013): Beslut 2013-02-19 Utpekande och detaljavgränsning av riksintresset Kallak i Jokkmokks kommun, Norrbottens län, enligt 3 kap. 7 §andra stycket i miljöbalken.
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beowulf mining plc update kallak iron ore pdf Nyhetsbyrån Finwire. 5 nov. 2018 — I Kallak utanför Jokkmokk vill brittiska gruvbolaget Beowulf Mining bryta järnmalm​.