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With 100 undergraduate majors and 200 graduate programs, there’s sure to be something to catch your eye.Because no matter what you’ve got your sights set on, that’s merely the beginning. . Jiannong Xin PO Box 110350, UF Gainesville, FL 32611-2121 (352) 392-0429 Fax 352 392 5186 ADDITIONAL AGENCY INFORMATION: The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida A statewide organization dedicated to teaching,research and extension. Joe B. Cordell Eminent Scholar Chair, Eminent Scholar, University of Florida, Warrington College of Business I used S-PLUS 6.1 through 7.0 for Windows and R versions 1.8 through 2.8.1 for Windows for the analyses. However, S-PLUS for Windows versions as far back as 3.0 will do many of the analyses (but not all). This is not so easily said for R, as user-contributed packages frequently apply to the newer versions of R (e.g., at least 1.3.0).
Thomas Hall r/ufl: This is the unofficial subreddit for the University of Florida, a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. 2019年1月26日 6.1點估計及R實現. 6.1.1矩估計. R中的解方程函式: 函式及所在包:功能.
Accessibility Help Name Title College/Institute Expertise CV Phone Email Home Page; Abbott, Jeff: Assistant Professor of Pathology: Veterinary Medicine: Dept. of Infectious Diseases and Pathology R Programming Training: An Introduction for Data Analysis and Graphics. Learn how to do statistical analyses and graphics with R. Faculty, Staff, TA / Grad Asst 512 293 9622 NPB 2336 and LEI 240I.
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R Project Home Page: A broader site associated with R. Contains links to CRAN materials plus more. Datasets in R: A list of datasets available in R or through specific common R packages. Working With Functions: A short tutorial on writing functions. Using R for Introductory Statistics: A manual on using R for basic statistics. R Workshops.
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