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(board on wheels) (AmL) patineta nf. nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. skate·board. skāt′bôrd′.
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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? I like to skateboard. Directed by Alfredo Prados. A guide through the beginnings of skateboarding in Spain.
ir en monopatín {vb} skateboarding. monopatinaje {m} skateboarding. deporte del monopatín {m} skateboarding.
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√ Fast and Easy to use. How to say skateboard in Spanish - Translation of skateboard to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. A very rememberable sequence from Only Fools and Horses (The Unlucky Winner Is). Rodney has to pretend to be the son of Del and Cassandra to keep their ho Skateboard definition is - a short board mounted on small wheels that is used for coasting and for performing athletic stunts.
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• Undoubtably you will come across Koopas making a getaway on a skateboard, bike, balloon, or whatever. • Students may remember their early failures in learning to ride a bike or a skateboard, or learning to swim. • Suddenly she trips over a skateboard in front of a home and crashes to the The first skateboard park at a Scottish school is set to open in an effort to battle teenage inactivity. The 13-year-old was asked to hand over his skateboard, which he did, but the gang, whose members were said to be aged 14 or 15, threw it away. As soon as I pushed off the ground on my skateboard I felt all the tension leave my body. 2021-04-16 · skateboard (plural skateboards) (sports, recreation) A narrow, wooden or plastic platform mounted on pairs of wheels, on which one stands and propels oneself by pushing along the ground with one foot. Look up the German to Spanish translation of longboard Skateboard in the PONS online dictionary.
skateboard. Don't you think you are a bit old to ride a skateboard? It's time you grow up, man!¿No te parece que estás un poco grande para andar en patineta?
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Check out the other videos in our skating program for more inspiration. Learn to tell the nose from the skateboard translation in Swedish-Spanish dictionary. Example sentences with "skateboard", translation memory. add example.
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Either with the car or with the train and go for a walk. But you can also take the bike, inline skater or a skateboard. Work by the internationally recognised contemporary Argentino-Spanish street artist Felipe Pantone.