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130). M. Törner. 11. ▻ involvera sina medarbetare i planering och beslut? ▻ stimulera sina medarbetare att själva och. av M von Bothmer · 2016 — Aaron Antonovsky presenterade begrep- pet Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM). 1979 och vidareutvecklade det senare.

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San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Bengel, J., Strittmatter, R., & Willman, H. (1999). What keeps people healthy? The current state of discussion and the relevance of Antonovsky’s salutogenic model of health. Sense of Coherence.

Antonovsky's approach—first presented in his groundbreaking book, "Health, Stress, and Coping"—is to uncover the psychological, social, and cultural resources that people can and do use successfully in resisting illness.

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ISBN: 978-91-27-11027-4  Appen innefattar ett interaktivt kartläggningsmaterial med syfte att identifiera individuella svårigheter, färdigheter och intressen i vardagliga aktiviteter hos  Aaron Antonovsky (1987) intresserade sig för vad det är som gör att vissa begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet (Antonovsky, 1987). av J FALLBY — åldern (Antonovsky, 1987, Cox, 1998).

Antonovsky 1987

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Antonovsky 1987

• Livshändelser (Coddington, 1972).

Antonovsky 1987

The SOC scale has been used in research in the world of work, mainly in the context of job stress (e.g. Albertsen, Nielsen & … stressnivå (Antonovsky, 1987). Detta stöds av studier som påvisat att högt skattade individer på KASAM inte bedömer stimuli som stressorer i samma utsträckning som de med låg grad KASAM (Frenz et al., 1993). Individer med svag KASAM kommer bedöma stressorer som hotfulla vilket medför ökad stress hos dessa (Antonovsky, 1987). Aaron Antonovsky (19 December 1923 – 7 July 1994) was an Israeli American sociologist and academician whose work concerned the relationship between stress, health and well-being (salutogenesis).. Biography.
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He asserts that the focus for too long has been Beyond theories mentioned by Antonovsky like sense of permanence (Boyce), the social climate (Moos) and the family's construction of reality (Reiss) (Antonovsky, 1987) there are additional concepts such as flow (Csíkszentmihályi and Csíkszentmihályi, 1998), learned resourcefulness (Rosenbaum, 1990) and life control (Söderqvist and Bäckman, 1988), which all contain elements of a salutogenic thinking and focus on resources. Antonovsky, A. (1987). Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well.

Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well. Aaron Antonovsky. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1987. $35.00 - Volume 7 Issue 1 Antonovsky’s sense of coherence (SOC) theory relates to the adaptive capacity of humans.
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Den salutogena ansatsen önskar utöka fokus då flera faktorer lägger grund för hälsosam rörelse (Antonovsky 1987). 2019-04-28 1998-09-01 Antonovsky (1987, 1993) clearly stated that only one single total score should be calculated based on answers to all the questions of the scale and not three separate scores for each of the three components (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness). The somewhat unclear, theoretical Antonovsky (1987) published a 29-item measure, referred to as the SOC-29, under the title of Orientation to Life Questionnaire. A 13-item short form, the SOC-13, was also indicated there. The SOC scale has been used in research in the world of work, mainly in the context of job stress (e.g. Albertsen, Nielsen & … stressnivå (Antonovsky, 1987).