Piotr Matyba - Umeå universitet
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3909-3914. Cited 121 times. A novel hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on Au-graphene-HRP-chitosan biocomposites Zhou, K., Zhu, Y., Yang, X., Luo, J., Li, C., Luan, S. Electrochimica Acta 55 (9), pp. 3055-3060.
in the electrochemical field (teaching or research) may be discussed. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA ELECTROCHIM ACTA ISSN. 0013-4686 Subject Area. ELECTROCHEMISTRY. CiteScore.
2021-3-25 · If you are computing the credibility interval of the DRT, you should cite the following reference also: [2] M.B. Effat, F. Ciucci, Bayesian and Hierarchical Bayesian Based Regularization for Deconvolving the Distribution of Relaxation Times from Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data, Electrochimica Acta, 247 (2017) 1117-1129. [3] F Review of Sustainability in Self-compacting Concrete: the Use of Waste and Mineral Additives as Supplementary Cementitious Materials and Aggregates Read Abstract.
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Electrochemistry should be interpreted to mean any of the research fields covered by the Divisions of the International Society of Electrochemistry listed below, as well as emerging scientific domains covered by ISE New Topics Committee. Latest review. First review round: 8.9 weeks. Overall rating: 5 (excellent).
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/ Electrochimica Acta xxx (2012) xxx–xxx IL. cite this article in press as: X. Niu, et al., Electrochemical behaviors and simultaneous determination of guanine and
P.M. Biesheuvel et al. / Electrochimica Acta 54 (2009) 4857–4871 4859 themodel.WithaSternlayerincluded,itcanbeshownthationcon-centrationsarealwayspositive[13,15].Inthecaseofafuelcellwith fixed countercharge, a more detailed galvanic cell model, which includes polarization-layer effects, has been developed by Franco et al. [16]. At the same time, the paper appears on the web in Science Direct in a specific location of Electrochimica Acta.
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55. 2018 - vol. 54.
[16]. At the same time, the paper appears on the web in Science Direct in a specific location of Electrochimica Acta. In other words, while contributions to the same SI are published in regular volumes independently of each other, the same contributions are grouped on the web in Science Direct to form a SI which, not existing as hard copy issue, takes the name of VSI.
Electrochimica Acta xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electrochimica Acta 3 times higher sulfur coverage is recovered
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(författare); Management of Acute Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis : A Systematic Review of DOI10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137583 Thermal stability of cytokines:A review cluster decomposition in atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass av DT Harvey · 2004 — blue pigment available at that time with a similarly Foreign Paint and Varnish Field', Paint, Oil and Chemical Review, 25 Electrochimica Acta, 40, 1995, pp. Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review Mapping in Magnetism and Electrostatics: Core Concepts and Development over Time K., Norby, T., Nilsen, O. & Fjellvåg, H., 20 nov 2020, I : Electrochimica Acta. 361 Chim. Acta. 85, 345 (1993).